• 2022 (common)
‣ 2023
⁃ 2043
← 2190
↑ 2191
→ 2192
↓ 2193
↔ 2194
↕ 2195
⬅ 2b05
⬆ 2b06
⮕ 2b95
⬇ 2b07
⬌ 2b0c
⬍ 2b0d
▲ 25b2 (25b3)
▶ 25b6 (25・)
▼ 25bc (25bd)
◀ 25c0 (25c1)
˃ 02c3 modifier
˂ 02c2 modifier
˅ 02c5 modifier
˄ 02c4 modifier
⁰ 2070 superscript 0
¹ 00b9 superscript 1
² 00b2 superscript 2
³ 00b3 superscript 3
⁴ 2074 superscript 4
⁵ 2074 superscript 5
⁶ 2074 superscript 6
⁷ 2074 superscript 7
⁸ 2074 superscript 8
⁹ 2079 superscript 9
ⁱ 2071 superscript i
ⁿ 207f superscript n
⁺ 207a superscript +
⁻ 207b superscript −
⁄ 2044 fraction
₀ 2080 subscript 0
₁ 2081 subscript 1
₂ 2082 subscript 2
₃ 2083 subscript 3
₄ 2084 subscript 4
₅ 2085 subscript 5
₆ 2086 subscript 6
₇ 2087 subscript 7
₈ 2088 subscript 8
₉ 2089 subscript 9
± 00b1
≥ 2265
≤ 2264
≡ 2261 identical
≠ 2260 not =
≅ 2245 approx =
≈ 2248 almost =
∝ 221d proportional
| 007c abs-val
§ 00a7
+ 002b add
− 2212 subtract
× 00d7 multiply
∗ 2217 multiply
÷ 00f7 divide
∕ 2215 divide
⋅ 22c5 dot operator
∶ 2236 ratio
√ 221a sqrt
∛ 221b cbrt
∑ 2211 sum
∞ 221e infinity
∆ 2206 increment
Δ 0394 UC delta | calc
δ 03b4 LC delta | calc
∫ 222b integral |calc
∴ 2234 therefore
∵ 2235 because
∧ 2227 AND
· 00b7 AND
& 0026 AND
∨ 2228 OR
+ 002b OR
∥ 2225 OR
¬ 00ac NOT
~ 02dc NOT
! 02dc NOT
⊕ 2295 ExOR
⊻ 22bb ExOR
· 00b7 middle dot (prefer)
‧ 2027 hyphen point
- 002d hyphen aka minus
‐ 2010 breaking hyphen
‑ 2011 nonbreak hyphen
– 2013 en-dash (common)
— 2014 em-dash
‒ 2012 figure-dash
… 2026 ellipsis
⋯ 22EF midline
⋮ 22EE vertical
☑ 2611
☒ 2612
☐ 2610
✓ 2713
✔ 2714
✗ 2717
✘ 2718
␠ 2420
␀ 2400
␉ 2409
␋ 240b
␊ 240a
␌ 240c
␍ 249d
␡ 2421
␛ 241b
π 03c0 LC pi | 3.14159
μ 03bc LC mu | micro
Ω 03a9 UC omega | ohm
ε 03b5 LC epsilon | εr
κ 03ba LC kappa | vf
ρ 03c1 LC rho | res
σ 03c3 LC sigma | cond
χ 03c7 LC chi | mag
ω 03c9 LC omega | chem
γ 03b3 LC gamma | chem
λ 03bb LC lambda | WL
ϕ 03d5 LC phi | phs flx
φ 03c6 curly LC phi
⌀ 2300 diameter
∅ 2205 empty set
ǂ 2021 double dagger
™ 2122
© 00a9
® 00ae
█ 2588
░ 2591
⦙ 2999
⎈ 2388 ctrl
⌃ 2303 ctrl
↵ 21b5 enter
☰ 2630 hamburger
🮰 1fbb0 mouse
⬉ 2b09 mouse
〈 2329
〉 232a
⟨ 27e8
⟩ 27e9
° 00b0 degree
′ 2032 min/ft/sp
″ 2033 sec/in/dp
‴ 2034 tp
¯ 00af overbar
⧹ 29f9 rev solidus
⧸ 29f8 fwd solidus
․ 2024 dot leader
: ff1a full width
\ ff3c full width
/ ff0f full width
* ff0a full width
| ff5c full width
? ff1f full width
< ff1c full width
> ff1e full width
" ff02 full width
“ 201c open quote
” 201d close quote
‹ 2039 western s-quote
› 203a western s-quote
« 00ab western d-quote
» 00bb western d-quote
Asian Halfwidth:
・ ff65
。 ff61
Asian Fullwidth:
\ ff3c
/ ff0f
: ff1a
* ff0a
? ff1f
< ff1c
> ff1e
| ff5c
" ff02
' ff07
: ff1a
; ff1b
( ff08
) ff09
, ff0c
. ff0e
∅ 2205 empty set
∈ 2208 element of
∉ 2209 not element of
⊂ 2282 subset of
∩ 2229 intersection
∪ 222a union
Asian Regular:
〔 3014
〕 3015
〈 3008
〉 3009
。 3002
、 3001
〝 301d
〞 301e
・ 30fb
℃ 2103
℉ 2109
¢ 00a2 cent
€ 20aC euro
£ 00a3 pound
₨ 20a8 rupee other
₹ 20b9 rupee India
₽ 20bd ruble
₩ 20a9 won
¥ 00a5 yen | yuan
円 5186 yen
元 5143 yuan
Vulgar Fractions:
↉ 2189 0/3
⅟ 215f 1/
½ 00bd 1/2
⅓ 2153 1/3
¼ 00bc 1/4
⅕ 2155 1/5
⅙ 2159 1/6
⅐ 2150 1/7
⅛ 215b 1/8
⅑ 2151 1/9
⅒ 2152 1/10
⅔ 2154 2/3
⅖ 2156 2/5
¾ 00be 3/4
⅗ 2157 3/5
⅜ 215c 3/8
⅘ 2158 4/5
⅚ 215a 5/6
⅝ 215d 5/8
⅞ 215e 7/8
Insert before glyph
̶x̶ 0336 strike out
x̂ 0302 over hat
x̃ 0303 over tilde
ẋ 0307 over dot
ẍ 0308 over dots
x̣ 0323 under dot
x̤ 0324 under dots
x̄ 0304 en over bar
x̅ 0305 em over bar
x̱ 0331 en under bar
x̲ 0332 em under bar
0007 can make a beep
200b zero width space
2060 word joiner
00ad soft hyphen
Mind NumLock, hold Alt, tap +, enter hex code, release Alt. If missing glyphs then install UniFont.otf triad.
> @reg add "HKCU\Control Panel\Input Method" /v EnableHexNumpad /t REG_SZ /d 1 /f   (logoff/logon)
Standard notation for example ^ symbol:     UTF32-BigEndian: U+0000005e     HTML: ^     CSS: \5e