Electronic Canary

Makes a nice Bird Chirping sound every once in a while.

Reverse engineered circuit diagram of a commercial Electronic Bird. This one was built into a plastic christmas ornament and runs off a 9V battery. Note that L1 is actually just an audio transformer with an unused secondary winding.

Circuit Diagram aka Schematic reverse engineered from circuit board

Here is another commercial circuit of the same type as shown above, but this one operates on 3VDC supplied by two AA cells. It is therefore able to use fewer parts but is not as loud.

Circuit Diagram aka Schematic reverse engineered from circuit board

These ones run off a single AA cell and there are three slightly different variations of the circuit by different manufacturers.

Circuit Diagram aka Schematic reverse engineered from circuit board
Circuit Diagram aka Schematic reverse engineered from circuit board
Circuit Diagram aka Schematic reverse engineered from circuit board

Some reverse engineered Bird Chip trinkets that run off AC line power. L1 is once again just an audio transformer with an unused secondary winding. The speaker for this first one is built into a plastic christmas tree ornament but the electronics is built into a wall wart that plugs into a 120VAC outlet. This one is quite loud.

Circuit Diagram aka Schematic reverse engineered from circuit board

The speaker and circuit for the one below is built into a plastic christmas tree ornament that plugs into a 117VAC outlet. This one is not as loud as the one above.

Circuit Diagram aka Schematic reverse engineered from circuit board

The speaker and circuit for this one is again built into a plastic christmas tree ornament that plugs into a 117VAC outlet. This one is quite loud and shrill.

Circuit Diagram aka Schematic reverse engineered from circuit board

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